We are coming up on the June “deadline” for “Phase II” of the Industrial Park agreement. You know, that project where Phase I was completely ignored and the details of the agreement (which the City paid their hack lawyer $7,000 to create) were violated non-stop from Day One.

The property has been purchased?!? Whoa there! When did THAT happen? I sure didn’t see anything in the City council minutes about that event. Phase One (the RV and boat storage phase) never even happened yet! Nor has any preparations for “food trucks” or the “training facility” that were talked about. Barber shop? Micro-brewery? Those have never been mentioned again since the Mandy Walsh era. I think we can safely say that will never happen.

So, is Jennifer Conklin (who works across the street at Martin Rod & Custom, according to her Facebook page) lying to scare off the competition? Or did Martin ALREADY buy the land – even though they have done absolutely nothing that was promised so far?
I have asked the City secretary that very question….we await an answer.