“Markus Krebber” Is German For “Colossal Moron”

Germany is so great, isn’t it? Just ask Christine Seefeld…the kraut who chooses to live HERE while she yaps about how superior Germany is. That would be the Germany where the migrants Seefeldt loves so much (and wants here in America) account for 50% of the gang rapes in the country.

Statistical Shock: Foreigners Account for 50% of Gang Rapes in Germany, Defying Population Ratio

“Diversity” is so awesome, isn’t it? Especially the third-world illiterate ass-backwards kind.

Anyhow, when the idiot krauts aren’t busy letting in African and Middle Eastern filth to gang rape all their women, they are occupied shutting down their nuclear reactors in order to completely fuck themselves in the ass going forward. So smart!!

Weeks before Germany’s nuclear closed, utility giant RWE_AG CEO Markus Krebber rejected calls to save them:

“There is still enough electricity”

The reactors close. Six weeks later Krebber says:

“Germany has a serious problem: We don’t have as much energy available as we need”

The krauts deserve everything they get. I once again repeat my offer to pay the moving expenses for Christine Seefeldt of Killeen Texas if she signs a contract promising to move back to Germany and NEVER set foot in the United States again. This offer good for up to $10,000 in moving expenses.