Wind Providing Whopping 1.2% Of Power Today

Thank god for natural gas, nuclear and coal. Otherwise we would all be sitting in the dark with food rotting in our refrigerators while entire industries ground to a standstill for lack of power. All those thousands of blades sitting there as calm as Hindu cows…

This is the third or fourth time in the last 10 days that wind has produced next to nothing for the state’s power grid. That is what we call “unreliable” and it’s the main reason why pinwheels should be banned from the state of Texas.

Actually, you don’t need to ban them. Just eliminate those tens of billions of tax dollars for pinwheel subsidies, and it would disappear overnight.

Anyone who promotes wind as a workable power source is either a complete moron who fails to understand basic math or is a scam artist who’s lining their pockets with government subsidies. There is no other possibility.

On wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett

Funny how local socialist Clayton Tucker is so concerned about the “rich” paying their “fair share” but he is perfectly fine with Warren Buffet (net worth $115 BILLION) collecting subsidies for idiotic wind farms.