Keeping alive his string of being on the wrong side of every single issue (pro open borders, anti voter ID laws, pro pinwheels, etc), Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party Clayton Tucker has publicly confirmed that he is all FOR child mutilation:

The ACLU is made up of lawyers who were not good enough to get a real job with a real law firm. Thus it’s a place where losers congregate to dream up the next way to assault the Constitution and normalcy.
There is nothing “life saving” about child mutilation.
This is not healthcare. Stop gaslighting the public into normalizing child genital mutilation and sterilization. Call it what it is: for-profit Cosmetic Sex Surgery and Hormone Treatment.
Funny how nobody needed life saving trans healthcare until it became an extremely profitable niche of the healthcare complex.
Good luck in court, groomers

Related: See the movie “What is a Woman?”