Strange! I seem to remember Mike White telling City council that the skate park would be “used every single day” when the pro-skate-park people were making their case before City council! That was before the price jumped from $200,000 to $400,000, of course.

Maybe they’ll come out when the sun is down. Makes it easier to vandalize the bathrooms there, for sure!
It was worth it though. Just ask the 157 people on Lampasas County Breaking News who are going apeshit over their property taxes right now.
Oh, except for Bruce Haywood. He doesn’t pay any property taxes, remember.
Hey, at least the pool was packed. That would be the pool that almost didn’t open because Finley was too cheap to pay lifeguards a market-rate wage of $15 per hour. Hundreds of thousands for the skate park but nary a nickel for the pool. Wise indeed!!