Power To The Potato Head! Power To The People!

Obese Marxist, Covid Cult member and BLM-loving moron Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris is back in the political game, people!

Of course, this is not long after she admonished everyone to “leave me out of your mouth” when it come to politics – she was all done with that stuff:

That was after she tried to wash her hands of voting for Joe Biden – thus helping to wreck the entire country.

Just can’t make up your mind, can you? I guess that’s what happens when your skull is filled with starchy tuber mash.

Why do you care about a local bond issue anyways? I thought you were selling your Austin house and moving to Oregon to live with the other fruits and nuts – including your communist son who is engaged to some gender-fluid freak?

Or were you moving back to California? How is that screen play coming, you dip shit?

Christ what a maroon. Please leave Texas and never come back.