Is Local “Businessman” Being Investigated For Sketchy/Possibly Illegal Shenanigans?

Oh my.

A well-known local “businessman” may be in BIG trouble for shady shenanigans at one or more of his operations.

Birdies are chirping LOUDLY but I can’t find anything in the news yet (besides TikTok vids). Suffice it to say, it will be a HUGE story if true. I’d assign a 95% probability that it IS true.

I am inclined to believe it because from the first time this “businessman” showed up in town a couple years ago, my antennae went up and were buzzing that he was a slippery shit and somehow involved in some shady activities. Rather than say anything, I felt he would probably blow himself up eventually.

Looks like it may have happened.

We’ll know very soon.

[Public filings]