April Sales Tax Receipts: Lampasas BEATS State of Texas!

Is it the new Starbucks? Is it Stacy Ybarra? Is it Bruce Haywood buying more Whattaburger? Is it Clayton Tucker building his Goat Empire??

I don’t know, but for the first time in a LONG time, the Lampasas sales tax receipts increase was HIGHER than Texas as a whole:

Texas sales tax receipts UP 6.7% for the month of April.

Lampasas sales tax receipts UP 8.7% compared to last April! [see row 585]

Truly amazing. This translates into approximately $20,000 more revenue for the City compared to last April ($280k vs $260k). This is a good thing because Finley is going to need to find about $75,000 to pay the lifeguards a market wage this year.

We have had several businesses go under compared to last year, but that has had no effect. Will this be the last month of good news before it all blows up?