Electric Rates Going Up 16%. Thank a Libtard For That.

The residential price per kwh will be going $.007 – from .0403 to .047

I don’t live in the City, but that sure seems like a typo. Less than a nickel per kwh?? I pay more than that out here in the sticks. Still a big percentage increase, however…

You can thank all the Biden voters and global warming morons for this one. Their insistence on pushing unreliable wind and solar (and cancelling pipelines and drilling) is increasing the cost of a stable grid. In case you forgot who those people are, here is a partial list of Biden voters and global warming morons:

Clayton Tucker, Terry Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Julie Cain Landrum, Andrew Landrum, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris, Janet “Crazier” Crozier, Christine Seefeldt, Grady Lucas

The poor decisions, ignorance and general retardation of the above people are DIRECTLY taking money from your wallet.

Trash rates going up 6.41%, even though the price of diesel has cratered approximately 35% over the last year or so. It’s a shame that former-mayor Talbert and City manager deGraffenreid were too lazy to put that garbage contract out for bid the last time it was up in 2020.

Here we are TWO YEARS out from Talbert leaving and her bad decisions still impacting our citizens. So sad.

Water? Going up again for the second time in the same fiscal year. When you are subsidizing developers to build houses here, you get much more demand for a scarce resource like water. Pretty simple supply and demand right there.