Ouch. This makes Comrade Clayton’s beatdown two years ago look like a close race!

Good riddance to Goodart, too. The guy was a mucus plug.
So the GOOD news is Kuehne will not be the face of Lampasas….and THIS will not be the First Gentleman of Lampasas:

The BAD news is she still sits on City council – and thus the Kuehne Kancer has not truly been excised yet.
That means two more years of her dramatically taking off her glasses to appear erudite and asking such hard-hitting and insightful questions as:
“Have we considered calling up LAST YEAR’S lifeguards and see if they want to work this summer for shitty wages?”
Truly genius.
Oh well. Let’s look on the bright side. Only two goldfish left out of seven council spots (Williamson and Kuehne). I don’t know much about these new guys but they can’t be worse than what we had for most of the last 6 or 7 years. With only two goldfish, they shouldn’t be able to exert much control over the sane portion of City council.
No excuses now, boys! We have a bunch of men from the real world up there running things now! Make Lampasshole proud!