It Took FIVE Generations Of Tuckers To Amass 18 Goats. Impressive.

Let’s start off the week with a Baby Seal Bashing! I just realized, it’s been two years since that City Council beatdown by Zac Morris. My, how time flies.

Local socialist Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX has managed to TRIPLE the size of his the family goat herd! Incredible. It appears he is they are now up to approximately 18 goats!


The “5th generation rancher” now has about 18 goats – and all by the age of 32 years old (plus four generations before him). Another couple of years and he might even sell a couple for some money! Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day. He had to stand on the narrow and atrophied shoulders of the four generations of Tuckers before him who paved the way for this monumental event.

8th-generation chichifo

“We” tripled the size of the herd?? Who is “we”? I thought YOU were a rancher and thus head decision maker, Comrade Clayton! Did you not open your wallet and buy these creatures yourself? Or did maybe mom/dad/grandma buy them for you for some more photo ops? Or are you just an employee of this “ranch”?

It’s all so confusing. I suppose it’s hard to post ANYTHING without contradicting the many bullshit stories you’ve told in the past, eh?

What is the name of the ranch, by the way? You have never said once in the last three years you have been lying about being a rancher and farmer. Do they provide a living wage and health care and a dignified pension, as you demand of every company in the U.S.?

Just kidding. As we all know, Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX owns no land of his own and is NOW (after three years of Lampasshole ridicule) very careful to NEVER say “I” bought goats or “MY” herd got bigger. Always “we” and “us”…as in, his parents or maybe his dead grandfather’s trust fund. Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX is not in charge of anything important. He’s like the little kid you let think he is driving with a fake steering wheel while mom/dad/grandma actually runs the show.

So what are all these goats for? Meat? Dairy? Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX isn’t really sure about that. There may be some dairy goats in there. Or maybe not. Whatever, man. This is all a show for the socialist morons who follow him on social media.

But one thing is for sure: goats are where it is at, man. The cattle industry is SO monopolized! Except for those, like, hundreds of family cattle ranches I’ve seen all around central Texas…

Comrade Clayton cannot WAIT to breed those goats! That’s what happens when you have never had a girlfriend and Beto doesn’t return your calls anymore.

Translation: “I am too incompetent to compete in the cattle market because I lied about being a 5th-generation rancher and have no idea what I’m doing. Instead, I’ll do goats because they are smaller, cheaper and I can post pictures of the babies so all the old lady democrats in on Facebook will “ooooh” and ‘aaahhh’ over them”

Nothing like “growing the herd” after five generations and 32 years of doing nothing but Tweet about Bernie Sanders. Time to get to work, comrade!!

Here is a cretin who is supposedly a 5th generation rancher yet he is 100% wrong about a basic cattle ranch fact. To wit:

More than 97 percent of beef cattle farms and ranches are classified as family farms. When it comes to beef cattle production, most operations are smaller than you might think; according to USDA, the majority of beef cattle operations (79%) have less than 50 head of cattle.

The Lone Star State is number one in beef cattle production in the United States, and Texas is home to 248,800 farms and ranches totaling 130.2 million acres


Hardly sounds like a giant monopoly. I highly doubt that 248,800 family ranches are colluding on beef prices.

Wrong for the 277th time, comrade.