Electric-Car-Owning Dildos Hit With $200 Annual Fee

I absolutely love shit like this.

I love it because (1) it is common sense (2) it is so rare to see morons pay a price for their dumb choices and (3) it will drive the libtards crazy.

In most states, this would never happen. In most states, a gaggle of liberal clowns would block it while grandstanding saying “we need to make electric car buying easier and cheaper to help save the planet, which will overheat and melt your bones in nine years if we don’t act now!”

In other words, lies and bullshit.

HERE, some smart people realized that these idiot electric car owners are driving a vehicle that weights FAR more than a normal car and will wreck the roads faster than normal…and they are escaping paying any “road fees” (taxes) at the pump.

Quite frankly, I think it should be more like $800. Might help keep the California dildos out a little bit more.

There is no bigger moron around than the electric car owner. And if you own a Tesla, you are the biggest electric-car-owning moron of all.


Tesla insurance costs TWICE what a normal car does.

Electric cars use up tires faster.

Electric cars are NOT saving the planet.