Industrial Park “Contract” Still Being Ignored By Martin’s Rod & Custom.

This is what’s known as ‘leverage.”

As in, “the City has none and Martin’s Rod has it all”

The City is so desperate to get someone in there, they’ll allow complete and utter disregard for the basic rules of the contract they signed. You know, basically the ONLY two rules they had: only boats and RVs allowed to be stored there….NOT trailers.

Makes me wonder why they pay JC Brown thousands upon thousands of tax dollars to draw these agreements up when they are routinely ignored.

I mean, seriously…what is the City going to do? Tell them the deal is off? No way. They’ll sit there and get shit on repeatedly – anything to avoid admitting they can’t get the “Industrial Park” filled and looking foolish publicly.

The same thing will happen at the end of this year when S2M2 doesn’t have their 22 houses built at Brodie Estates. Will the City claw back the $185,000 in taxpayer money that Talbert so generously handed to a private business? Hell no. They’ll pretend it didn’t even happen.

Color me cynical, but I don’t see “Phase II” happening by June 20th when Phase I was a complete flop so far.