Tucker Versus Tucker

Such a wit!

Don’t worry, bozo. You will NEVER be compared to Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson is smart, rich, educated, successful, adored by millions, reveres the Constitution, despises commies, knows the war in Ukraine is bullshit, knows the Covid vaccine is bullshit, knows J6 was bullshit, has sex with an actual female regularly, owns his own house and doesn’t live with his mom.

In other words, the complete opposite of you.

In fact, if I was presented with one of those “trolley dilemmas” where a trolley is barreling down the track and I have control of the switch and I can make the trolley go down one track with Clayton Tucker tied to the rails and the other track had a freshly-laid turd laid by Tucker Carlson, I would most definitely save the Carlson turd. No question.