Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy Is a Scumbag Commie “Teacher” Who Should Be Thrown Into a Wood Chipper.

Every day it gets crazier with these commies. This lunatic was in the news lately…

Commie scumbag from Oregon indoctrinating 3rd graders

The purple hair, the nose ring, the hyphenated last name, the crazy eyes. Always.

Anyways, according to her TikTok (always with the TikTok), this “Austin teacher” was just innocently trying to teach her 3rd graders about their “legal and constitutional rights” and the evil administrators had a talk with her about that. From the article:

“But my favorite amongst them is, ‘We’ve noticed an intentional attempt at teaching your students about their legal and constitutional rights.’ That’s the concern,” she reveals. “Why are you concerned? Why is that a concern? Why does that concern you?”

Sophie, who is “queer until proven straight,” is outspoken about human rights on her social media platforms. She covers a plethora of current events, including the Queer Capitol March and Texas legislation.

“I have no other choice but to be political. life is depending on it,” reads her Instagram bio. “unwilling to die for the dow. abortion advocate.”

First of all, you moron, 8-year-olds DO NOT HAVE any legal or Constitutional rights. They are minors. They have legal guardians. They cannot enter into contracts or vote or even drive a car. They are nowhere close to the age of majority.

You have “no other choice but to be political”? Wrong. In all my years of schooling (1970s and 80s), not ONCE did ANY teacher ever talk politics with me. Certainly not Mrs. Shearer, my third grade teacher.

Your job is to teach them fractions and spelling. Beyond that? SHUT THE FUCK UP, you commie freak.

But these commies cannot shut up. They spend every waking hour indoctrinating your child. Like Mao (Red Guards), Hitler (Hitler Youth) and Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge) before them, they know that little kids are ignorant, highly susceptible to brainwashing and capable of horrible cruelty. It is not a coincidence you are seeing crazy tranny shit and global warming propaganda being spread on TikTok to kids. It is very much by design.

As Lenin once said: “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown shall never be uprooted”

We are now reaping their sowing. We have morons like Clayton Tucker and Greg Casar running around actively promoting socialism and destroying the very fabric of this country. There are millions of them. AOC, Greg Casar and Delia Ramirez are just the tip of the shitberg.

You wonder how so many complete idiots with zero life experience who have literally NEVER HELD A JOB (sound familiar?) are now in Congress wreaking havoc with garbage like the $100 trillion dollar “Green New Deal”? This is how. We have a generation now of voting age who are devoid of critical thinking and have been brainwashed by these commie scum. It doesn’t matter if Biden and Fetterman are mental vegetables, because “Racism! Fascism! Transphobia” and whatever the TikTok screen tells them. They would vote for an armadillo, if their iPhone screen told them the other guy is a racist transphobe who wants to destroy the climate.

This Sophia twat is not a public school teacher “just trying to inform kids about civics.” This is a professional communist agitator who only very recently became a “teacher” in order to indoctrinate little kids and get paid by the taxpayers to do it.

I can’t even find her in GovSalaries at Becker Elementary. This means she very likely started “teaching” just this past year. Probably because chanting commie slogans with the other losers doesn’t pay the rent.

Right Comrade Clayton??

Here is a look at her LinkedIn resume. She hails from Oregon by way of California (of course) and was involved in multiple far-left organizations until recently. She was also heavily involved in “registering and turning out voters for the special elections of Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the U.S. Senate, determining the control of the chamber” just over a year ago. She is a straight-up commie carpetbagger.

Oregon, California and the Georgia special senate election all in the last four years. Yeah, she’s just a committed Texas teacher who cares about your kids and innocently wants to teach them about their “legal rights” – NOT some commie freak jumping from state to state brainwashing your kids.

Yeah right, bitch. Lemme guess which legal rights you’re pushing. The “right” to be called by a made-up pronoun and have your dick or breasts chopped off without telling mom and dad? Maybe the “right” to get the ‘vaccine’ without mom and dad’s consent? Fuck you.

When the great state of Texas finally decides to secede and get away from these lunatics, commie scum like Sophia need to be rounded up, deported and permanently banned from ever entering the Great Republic of Texas ever again.