City Attorney Still Silent On Name(s) Of Business Pork Project Prospects

Let’s be frank. Everyone on the LEDC knows the name of this secret business pork prospect. The City attorney knows the name. Likely, everyone on City council and more than a few City employees also know the name. At least three dozen people know who it is.

Yet City attorney J.C. Brown is silent and refuses to respond to my requests to name this prospect. Why? Is there a law against it? No. Is it because the prospect is such a joke, you cannot bear to let me know because I will ridicule it and poke a dozen holes in the entire idea? If that is true, you should be ashamed of yourselves for such a shitty prospect.

Is it Eco-Turd?? Please, God, let it be Eco-Turd.

Well, we will know in a day or two or I’ll be hiring my own lawyer again and also going after the City for my attorney’s fees. We have already been through this multiple times. You don’t have a leg to stand on, JC Brown. RELEASE THE NAMES!!!

If any of you naughty employees wants to leak it to me in total anonymity, feel free to drop me a line at