America-Hating Marxist Kraut Christine Seefeldt Bashing America Again. I Am Starting a GoFundMe To Deport Her.

Seriously lady? You think that I (or any other American patriot) give a shit what a bunch of limeys or frogs or krauts or wops think of America? Do me a favor. Stay over there in shitty Europe and freeze to death next winter after shutting down all your nuclear reactors to appease the Greens, you morons.

The above is taken from an idiotic parody of “gun crazy America” and tells you not to knock on strangers’ doors, etc if you don’t want to get shot.

It’s actually much simpler than that: just don’t visit Democratic-run hell holes. Especially the areas filled with inner-city blacks. Outside of that, you are good to go. Oh, is that racist? I don’t really care. Those are facts. I’m guessing 95% of America’s murders take place in the “shitty” areas of Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Oakland, Baltimore and other dumps run by libtards for the last 70 years. It has nothing to do with “NRA members”, you twat.

Europe is a giant shit hole. It takes some balls it takes for a European to ridicule America. Paris is piled high with trash, making it smell even worse than normal. The Germans’ energy policy is so retarded, that they are now paying over 50 cents per kilowatt hour and burning coal and wood in the winter to stay alive. Not to mention the strikes about to cripple the entire economy:

But please, Seefeldt. Keep telling us how the workers in Germany are treated SO much better than here in America.

I am seriously considering starting a GoFundMe to raise money to pay for her move back to Germany. Stay tuned.