Today is Tax Day

The day when greedy unemployed bums like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX shout at you to “pay your fair share” while they pay NOTHING AT ALL.

  • The average income tax rate in 2020 was 13.6 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.99 percent average rate, more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.

  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

Remember: mouthy Marxist asswipes like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are in the BOTTOM 50 percent – paying practically nothing.