Yes, Wool & Vine Went Under

The Biden economy (which Julie Cain Landrum ironically voted for eagerly) claims another victim: Wool & Vine is now “Permanently Closed.”

What a shame. The Covid Cult Rat who went around and tattled on businesses for not enforcing the stupid mask mandate is now out of “business.”

Karma is a whore, isn’t she?

Of course, I use the word “business” as a joke. It was a hobby for the Landrums, who never actually employed anyone but themselves. Of course, that didn’t stop the City from handing them $3,000 in Covid money – which went 100% unappreciated by Julie Cain Landrum, the Covid rat herself, as she instead whined about The Struggle…

The City was SO biased, they handed $3,000 to a moron who had no clue how to run a business.

Ah yes – “The Struggle”. Of course, it is more of a struggle when you are only open a couple days a week and then take off months at a time to “move furniture around”.

Narrator: Covid was NOT raging at all, actually.

It also doesn’t help that you associate with other wacko liberal Covid Cult loons from Austin who are afraid to leave the house, and thus cannot patronize your hobby lemonade stand.

We are so virtuous and conscientious that we are now out of business. The end!

I knew this would happen eventually. They only shocker is that it took this long for Landrum to finally throw in the towel. Hopefully, this means more business for the REAL businesses in town like Lampasas Beer Market and Giovani’s, etc.

Oldies but Goodies:

That Time Julie Landrum Tried to do Math

Covid Mask Snitch and Lockdown Lover Now Wants To Grab Your Money at Wool & Vine. Don’t Let Her

Andrew Landrum Says Antifa is Just Misunderstood

The Time I Sent Landrum a Full Face Mask For Covid

Andrew Landrum Spread False Info on Traffic Incident

That Time I Took a Shit On Landrum Lemonade Stand

Lefty Imbecile Who Voted To Put Demented, Economy-Ruining Pants Shitter Into White House Now Asking For Your Business