Nothing I hate more than foreigners moving here and then (1) bitching about what an awful place it is and/or (2) working hard to undermine the Constitution by either getting elected to Congress (Ilhan Omar) or by voting for obvious socialist pieces of shit like Beto, Biden, AOC, etc.
Christine Seefeldt of Killeen is just such a person.

A tranny freak murdered six innocent people recently, and this old bat Seefeldt is yammering on about destroying the Second Amendment like she knows what she’s talking about.
Setting aside for a moment that the Second Amendment is VERY clear about “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms” (and that both Warren Burger and some old German bat named Christine Seefeldt have no clue what they are talking about) – I have to ask if you are so offended by firearms, why the FUCK are you living in TEXAS or in the UNITED STATES at all??

So this idiot foreigner DOES know about the Second Amendment…but she refuses to respect it. Again, head on back to Germany, you kraut. If I was in charge, you’d be deported tomorrow.
You want to know what guns are good for? Look up the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, you complete scheisskerl. That’s just for starters. It would have probably kept you Germans from putting a bunch of Jews in the ovens as well. Ever think of that, dummkopf?

By all means, feel free to pack up your lederhosen and your glockenspiel and head on back to Germany. I’ll even pay for your move, as I have offered to do for other socialist pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker, Potato Head Fitzharris and Bruce Haywood.
Naturally, she’s a rabid Covid Cult member and virtue signaler as well…

If I had my druthers, NOBODY born in a foreign country would ever be able to vote in the U.S. I don’t give a shit how many taxes you pay here or how many citizenship tests you pass. You should be thankful just to be here and not in the craphole country from whence you came.
I might even extend that to the kids of people born in another country – as it would prevent abortions like socialist Greg Casar from ever having a say in anything and ruining my country with their socialist, big government horseshit.
Seefeldt never misses a chance to take a shit on America and thinks Joe Biden is the answer to everything. Whether it is the Second Amendment, the price of Pringles, or the minimum wage, she just can’t keep her fat mouth shut about how bad things are here.

This idiot adores Biden, applauds the “Inflation Reduction Act” and its $1.7 TRILLION of inflationary spending and then whines about the price of Pringles. I love how Germans/French/Brits brag about how everything is better in Europe – especially the welfare. What she forgets is that you save a LOT of money when you have the U.S. pay for your defense and you refuse to pay your fair share to NATO for about 30 years.

So do us all a favor. STFU about economics, gun control, minimum wage, oil pipelines and all the rest of it. Your place is in the kitchen baking a nice strudel for your man then taking care of his Weiner schnitzel, if you get my drift. Leave running the greatest country on earth to the men.

This chick kind single-handedly proves the point that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote because they are prone to irrational, emotional idiocy like this – instead of logic, reason and respect for our Constitution.
Here are some random fun facts for you:
New Hampshire has:
1.) Open carry.
2.) No licensing/permitting requirements.
3.) No magazine restrictions.
4.) No assault weapons ban.
5.) No background checks for private sales.
Yet they have:
1.) No mass shooting since 1982.
2.) A lower gun murder rate than NY, CA, NJ, & IL.