High School Dummies Protesting Guns…Or Something. I Doubt Even THEY Know

Inspiring to see our young people so deeply committed to missing a chunk of class time.

Today over 100 schools across the country are walking out to demand gun reform.

Here are your future Clayton Tuckers and Cade Snyder/Hilgenbergs. Your Christine Seefeldts. Morons who don’t appreciate the Constitution and the sacrifices made in forming this country. Idiots who don’t know even one page of history and have no clue who Mao or Pol Pot were. How could they? They are too busy watching trannies on TikTok all day long and dying their hair purple.

The same dipshits who think the world is going to end from global warming in 8 years and that putting up some pinwheels will fix it.

I’ll bet you $500 that 95% of these kids (1) have no idea that just 50 or so years ago, high school kids rode to school with guns in gun racks in their trucks and there were ZERO school shootings and (2) cannot even do math at what was a 7th grade level in 1960.

This is exactly why the voting age should never be lowered to 16, as the lefties and pinkos have been pushing for. I’m guessing 90% of 16-year-olds would vote Democrat because 16-year-olds are incredibly ignorant and detached from reality…just like most Democrats. In fact, the voting age should be raised to 25 unless you are out in the real world working and paying taxes. THEN you can have a say. Unless you were born in Germany or Somalia, of course.

They are put up to this garbage by their teachers, you can bet.

Give the school districts a choice: the teachers and administrators who put the kids up to this and enabled it all resign and lose their licenses, or every last kid involved gets suspended.