City Declares Several Blocks of Downtown Square “Blighted” In Order To Try and Grab State Tax Dollars

Wow. So after years and years of the LEDC and Mandy Walsh going to dozens of seminars, conventions, workshops, webinars, TML conferences and spending countless manhours and dollars on all that shit to “revitalize downtown”, the end result is a “blighted” area? [see pages 89 through 91]:

WHEREAS, the City Council has found conditions which are detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the community within the district as follows- cracked, broken, and uneven sidewalks, lack of adequate walkways, and lack of handicap accessible ramping; and,

WHEREAS, the existence of said conditions are detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare due to the possibility of injury;

WHEREAS, the City Council of Lampasas has authorized an application for funding under the Downtown Revitalization Program, as follows:

Rehabilitate and replace cracked, broken, and uneven sidewalks and provide
ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps including possible drainage, streets, and

[Wait, you mean those $15,000 metal LTX letters didn’t do the trick??]

That’s a pretty big admission of failure! Hilariously, it is practically in front of City Hall and also covers part of the street (3rd street) the City just spent large sums repaving just last summer. You gotta love it when a City that had millions thrown at if for “Covid” is already going hat-in-hand begging for some “sidewalk repairs” money just a year later.

Of course, this is all bullshit. I took pictures this morning. Why just LOOK at all the crumbling and the lack of ADA-compliant sidewalks with no wheelchair ramps!

Just look at all that blight! Practically looks like Detroit!

Oh wait.

I wonder if Saloon 37, Petal Peddlers, First Texas Bank, Bear Real Estate, Merk & Tilly’s and the rest of them know they are located in the shitty “blighted” area of our fair town?