Local Libscum Grady Lucas Seems To Be Obsessed With Defending Perverts

Just as libs accuse the right of “banning books” when they try to limit filth to age-appropriate groups, these pervs are trying to equate these sick drag shows to Robin Williams dressing up like Ms. Doubtfire or Barney Fife putting on a wig back in 1962.

You all remember local commie scumbag Grady Lucas and his “soar” throat?

According to morons like Grady “Pass the Man Gravy” Lucas, these actors dressed up as old ladies in movies (which are often rated PG-13) and TV shows…

….are the EXACT same thing as the perverted current drag shows where 6-year-old kids shove dollar bills into the pants of half-naked sickos wearing thongs and simulating oral sex in front of them…

Yeah. Exactly the same thing, Grady.

Apparently a man grabbing his dick and thrusting in front of a child, or beginning to take his pants off as part of a strip tease, is not considered sexual to Grady Lucas. If you don’t think it is sexualizing a child to bring them around men in lingerie emulating sex acts then you should never be allowed around children. That goes for Grady Lucas.

This is what they always do – pretend that the only people objecting to this sort of child abuse are conservatives. It’s so insulting to liberals more than anything. As if the core tenet of liberalism is accepting the sexualization of children by the age of 6. This is what Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy had in mind, right??

They’ll say “I get if drag performances aren’t your thing, you don’t have to go.”

So if fucking teenage girls isn’t your thing then you don’t have to go to Epstein Island, right? Is that how it works?

He’s doing the typical thing that degenerates like him do to defend the sexualization of children – framing an objection to it as an attack on the BLT-123-LGBTQ++ mafia:

These are the people pushing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” on everyone else, so that they can participate in sexual events for children and not feel like the grooming quasi-pedophiles that they are emulating. People like them will tell you that this it’s important to expose children to drag queens so that we can teach them to embrace people who look different from them. Except they never do this with burn victims, midgets, the blind, or other people who are different through no fault of their own. Drag queens CHOOSE to dress like hookers and mock womanhood. Bringing children to drag queen events to embrace diversity is like brining children to a strip club to embrace feminism.

The fact that Grady Lucas seems to spend a majority of his time defending perverted shit like this publicly means that Grady Lucas is the kind of guy I would NEVER want my kids around unattended.

There once was a moron named Grady

Who preferred that his men dress like ladies

If you have a kid

I’d keep them well hid

‘Cause he looks like he’s pretty damned shady

Definitely does NOT own a windowless van