The fake farmer and rancher is at it again! He has found about a dozen different ways to “work hard for the people” without actually ever doing any work. It’s amazing. Truly, a Bernie Sanders clone in every way.

Yes, he’s “hard at work”. Just look at him! Today is one of the first few days of spring, the weather is beautiful and REAL farmers were tilling and planting like crazy today. REAL farmers are getting shit in the ground for the rains coming next week and getting their hands dirty.
For the record: this is hard work:

This is NOT hard work:

Fake farmers drive down to Austin after getting up at 9:30am and stroll around the rotunda taking pictures of themselves and probably loitering around outside Vikki Goodwin’s office hoping she’ll offer him a cushy job.
He’s doing all of this to “make sure folks are better able to buy and sell” food, whatever that means. I don’t see anyone starving in the streets around here – in fact, quite the opposite. Local Marxist Bruce Haywood and appears to be quite well-fed despite not even working for a living:

Seems like everyone is pretty “able” to buy food, despite Green New Deal retards like AOC, Joe Biden, and Clayton Tucker causing the price of diesel, fertilizer and other crucial farm inputs to explode higher with their idiotic policies and push to eliminate “evil” fossil fuels.
In fact, Comrade Clayton Tucker, who claims to be a farmer, lives in his mom’s house literally TWO BLOCKS from the weekly Lampasas Farmers Market – which happens tomorrow. Seems to me that if Clayton Tucker the farmer wants to feed people, he’d be at the market tomorrow selling the food he grows.
But I’ll bet you a MILLION DOLLARS that he won’t be! Tell you what, comrade: I’ll bring MY products down there tomorrow and give them away for free. I think I have a few dozen eggs in the fridge from my chicken coop. How about you do the same with YOUR products.
You know where to reach me: