After Two Years, Idea of Raising Lifeguard Wages Finally Penetrates Finley’s Thick Skull

Well, I certainly feel vindicated. After YEARS listening to Finley stand up there at council meetings stupefied that nobody wants to work for his shitty $7.50/hr wage (now bumped to $8.25 after 2 years of being shorthanded) and YEARS of ranting about how the solution is to pay them a normal lifeguard wage (at least $10/hr) he may finally be seeing the light.

He told council tonight that he was “a little concerned” because only ONE person has applied to work at the pool. In a rare moment of enlightenment, he says “there is a lot of competition for labor out there.”

No shit?!? Jesus Christ. Talk about living under a rock in a fantasy world. This is the SAME Finley who threw $110,000 at Ryan Ward for the ACM position (about 30% higher than the national average) and $85,000 at Stacey Ybarra (more than Mandy made after 5 years there) but he is too stupid to realize he needs to jack the lifeguard wage up to at LEAST $10/hr? Mind boggling.

He tells council “we may have to get creative…we may have to look at our pay scale“. That is not creative, you moron. That is math….and I have suggested it over and over and over.

You see, Finley only overpays Directors and Nerf job holders. That’s because (a) they will lick his balls harder in gratitude and (b) the higher he jacks the salaries of Nerf jobs holders like Stacey Ybarra and Ryan “Seth Rogen” Ward, the higher he can request his OWN salary be bumped in comparison – because is at the top of the totem pole and if any Nerf director directly under him gets up too high in salary, the answer is to raise Finley’s salary in response.

I suspect “Doctor” Chane Rascoe thinks the same way.

Lifeguards, on the other hand, are seasonal workers with zero contact with Finley. So Finley has no interest in helping them as they won’t be directly under his command and eager to lick his sack in thanks – like Ward is.

This is why Finley works in government and not in the private sector.