First it was last fall. (in summer of 2022)
Then it was “early next year” (in fall of 2022)
Then it was February 15th (in early January)
Then it was “end of February” (in middle of February)
THEN it was “this Saturday” (March 4th)

But here we are at March 7th and it’s STILL not open!
**UPDATE** – Ryan Ward was on Lampasas Radio on March 8th and said that the NEW date is “in about two weeks” – which would be March 22nd.
[I love his weasel talk. I really do! He says stuff like “well, the skate park is basically done! Well, except for a little bit more grading and bringing some dirt in and cleaning everything up and removing all the equipment and kind of finishing everything out.” – LOL. That is most definitely NOT done!]
Over/under on the date of the first big injury out there that requires the EMT or fire truck to come out? I’m gonna say May 25th. I’ll make my over/under date on bathroom vandalism/destruction a little later at June 20th.
To my untrained eye, this hardly looks like a project that took well over two years and close to half a million bucks. But what do I know. Finley says it’s a good deal and Finley is NEVER wrong about these things.
He has made numerous other “good deals” like the Azbell A/V system deal and the Industrial Park deal, so who am I to question??