Gimme gimme gimme…

Socialists like Comrade Clayton Tucker are lazy and filled with envy. They want what others have but do not want to work for it. Unfortunately for Corade Clayton Tucker, he is too short, weak, doughy and effeminate to come to your house and take what he wants by force. A strong wind would knock him over.
So he votes for other scumbags to do it for him and calls it “fairness”.
Comrade Clayton bellyaches about “trickle down capitalism” all the time. He speaks of it derisively and with contempt.
In fact, it is more accurate to describe capitalism as “trickle up”
A business owner first pays salaries. Then rent. Then cost of goods, etc. Only if customers, suppliers, and employees consider themselves to have received a bargain is anything left over for the business owner.
Comrade Clayton has no clue about any of this because he has never run a business or created anything of value in his entire life. Hell, he’s never even had a real JOB!
This is an amazing list: 10 of the 15 richest Americans started their businesses this generation. The other 5 inherited from recent founders. Almost all these businesses brought dramatically better goods to the masses for dramatically lower prices.
Capitalism works!

Even if we confiscated ALL THE WEALTH ON THIS LIST, we could only give each American a mere $3,000. How quickly would the joy of receiving that $3,000 fade upon realizing there were no computers, no discount retail, no cheap energy, no online shopping?
There’s a reason the world’s poor come to America.
Here is the same list, but for European billionaires. More than half of them are heirs or kleptocrats European “equality” is a mirage. Economic mobility is a joke. It has been said that the US has poor, Europe has wards. Remember that when idiots like Comrade Clayton tells you we should copy Europe.

We don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. We are at the point now where entire Departments of the federal government need to be eliminated. I’d suggest the Departments of Education, Transportation, Homeland Security, Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS) Energy, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the EPA for starters.
The 800,000 parasites who work in those departments will need to go find something useful to do.

None of those departments existed prior to 1953 and we got along just fine without them. Those useless parasites cost the country close to $2 TRILLION per year just in direct costs. The indirect costs are likely half of that.
Screw your new taxes, Brandon.