This popped up in my feed this morning. I always marvel that most of the population cannot do basic math. It isn’t even math, really. It’s logic. I bet many of the teachers screaming for a $70,000 starting salary cannot get the answer to this, either. Which is very sad.

I can hear “well, I’m not a math teacher” – which is nonsense. Every adult should be able to figure out a 5th-grade math question. It’s like being able to spell the plural of “STORY”.
There is no way idiots like Bruce Haywood or Clayton Tucker would get it either. If they understood basic math and logic, they would not be pushing for pinwheels and solar panels.
A lack of rudimentary math knowledge is the root of almost every problem in America.
For those of you who want to help your kids in the math department, I highly recommend the book “Innumeracy” – one of the best books ever written.