We may have a new candidate around here to dethrone Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker as King of the Dipshit Liberals.
Behold: Grady Lucas!

Grady is the kind of sick perv who thinks withholding books with graphic adult themes from 6-year-olds is actually “banning” books…

Naturally, Ron DeSantis is a “Nazi” because he thinks books that give graphic descriptions of sex acts don’t belong in the hands of 5 and 6-year-old kids. Sick groomers like Grady apparently think that’s just fine.
He’s also fine with men who get off dressing as women flaunting their kink in public to young children….

If I tried to bring a 6-year-old boy into a strip club, I’d rightfully be tossed out on my ear. But if it’s a fat, hairy, bearded MAN dressed in lingerie and grinding his ass in the faces of little kids, that is just fine with Grady Lucas.
Sick fuck.

Naturally, he is a hard-core Covid Cult moron also…

Putting another man’s penis in his mouth is no big deal, but he is PETRIFIED of a cold virus that has been around years and is no more deadly than the common flu….

Wow…sounds just terrible! A “soar” throat and headache? Good thing we ruined America locking down over THAT! I’m guessing Grady isn’t gainfully employed, so it was no skin off his back.

How do you know you didn’t just get that “soar” throat from your husband, buddy? Wink wink.
Wait a minute! How did you get Covid when you got the first AND second “vaccine” shots, then got boosted and boosted over and over?

LOL. I mean, I knew libtards were extremely stupid, but to see it laid out like this is hilarious. Remember, these are the “geniuses” that think they are smarter than you and want to run every aspect of your life from transportation to education to health care.

I’m pretty sure I remember this guy from a few years ago – he moved his poor mother into a nursing home, moved himself (and his husband too, I assume) into HER house and THEN (here is the scummy part) posted a GoFundMe for “repairs to my mother’s house” – which made it sound like it was for some poor old lady, but was actually just this scumbag Marxist trying to get some free shit for himself. Classic.
What is it with these commies living in mom’s house?? Just an absolute piece of garbage – like all Marxists.
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I despise more than wokester, Marxist trash enjoying the benefits of living in the greatest state in our nation and then spending their entire life bashing it. Go move to a liberal paradise like California or New York or New Jersey, you scumbag.