Another prediction comes true…Cathy “Pork Chop” Kuehne is definitely running for mayor – as is Herb Pearce.
This is a no-brainer. Let’s look at pros and cons:
Lost her mind during the Covid “pandemic” and became a Covid Cult loon – meaning she is incapable of doing basic cost/benefit analysis.

Has supported every single big-ticket waste of money project that was put in front of her (Old City Hall renovation, Hostess House debacle, Business Pork project) – “even if it costs a bit more” (her words). Has never worked in the private sector. Cannot write or spell at a fifth-grade level.

Did NOT lose mind during Covid, as far as I could see. Has a man brain – which means he is likely to be more logical and rational than a female. Don’t shoot the messenger, but that is a scientific fact. Millions of years of evolution made it that way, not me. Don’t bother showing me some study you dug up from HuffPost either. All you have to do is look at the top geniuses of all time. Newton, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman, Maxwell, Tesla, DaVinci, Edison. All men.
Look at the top 100 chess players in the world. All men.
[If it is any consolation, ladies, we also have more retards and criminals at the low end of the Bell Curve. Like, 12 times more. Which is why the prisons are filled with 93% stupid males.]
Now granted, there are SOME guys running around today with female brains in their skulls, like Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker and any other “man” who is a rabid liberal. This makes them fall for hysterical nonsense like “global warming”, using pinwheels for electricity and socialism. These poor saps are to be pitied and never elevated to any positions of power. I don’t think Pearce is in that group, but I’m pretty sure Kuehne is.
Herb Pearce for Mayor!!
Unfortunately, I think Kuehne has her sights set on being mayor someday. That cannot happen. She is part of the Talbert Faction of Cronies. This includes Misti Talbert (now wreaking financial havoc at the LEDC), TJ Monroe (current mayor), and Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson (who has his strings pulled by Monroe). It is an incestuous group that has squandered incredible sums of money over the last 6 or 8 years.
All remnants of the Talbert Faction of Cronies need to be pushed out of the Lampasas political body like a large bowel movement and flushed down the toilet. We need more council members who have actually lived in the real world and run a REAL small business. Zac Morris and Herb Pearce were a good start.