Ah…sweet victory! Trousdale FINALLY faced reality and jacked his offered wage in Houston from $13/hr (which I said would never do the trick) up to $15/hr (which is getting closer, but still behind the curve).

Wal-Mart still ahead of you, Joe!

If you’re new to all this, here is the synopsis:
The LEDC had high hopes that Pho-Licious would be a tenant in their $7.1 million sand box Business Pork project. I laughed at that.
PhoLicous hinted they were down with that, but then Pho-cked over the LEDC.

Then we learned that PhoLicious was creating ONE WHOLE JOB in Houston at $13/hr. Hardly the stuff for a bloated $7.1 million dollar pork project!

Then I laughed at the idea they would find anyone at that wage and bet my buddy it would never happen.
Then PhoLicous HIRED someone at $13/hr and it looked like I lost my bet.

Then the new hire ghosted Joe…bet still on!!
Finally, Joe bit the tit and raised his offer from $13 to $15 yesterday! Lampasshole for the win!
I find it hilarious that Wal-Mart (which we already have here) is paying MORE than PhoLicious (who the LEDC tried to lure into their Business Pork with subsidies). Wal-Mart has a lot more than one position at the store, too.
Just more proof that the LEDC is utterly incapable of seeing economic reality and accepting that their Business Pork will NEVER have any kind of ROI. It was all just a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money.
P.S. I’m not saying I’m a genius who can see the future a year down the road, but I’m not NOT saying that either. Here is what I said almost a YEAR ago about why PhoLicious wasn’t a viable Business Pork prospect:
#3 They don’t really employ anyone right now. I think it’s just the two of them doing everything themselves. Maybe have another body or two at $15/hr to put the kits together, but we are not talking a huge amount of jobs here. Certainly not enough to justify $7.1 million dollars in land, roads, electricity, water, etc that the Business Pork has committed to.