Everything Should Be Free!

Man, the list of shit that people “should get for free” just grows by the day!

I see idiots on the news and social media with a new one every day.

Here is a new one! People shouldn’t have their power turned off just because they don’t pay their bills, yo! That ain’t fair! Say what? Get a job and pay your bills? What are you, a racist?!?

“Energy justice” now? Fuck you.

I don’t know who Selah Goodson Bell is, but I guarantee you that he/she has never done an honest day’s work in their entire life.

Oh look! I was right! How do I always know???

After you secure your free electricity for life, you can then demand free medical care….

Go work as a nurse for free, then. Otherwise….fuck off.

Yeah ok…70% of this country is obese (which they did to themselves) but I should have to pay for all their medical care stemming from zero exercise and a life of fast food. Sounds fair to me!

Then you get your “free” education – which isn’t actually an education, but rather a piece of paper SAYING you are educated. Huge difference. And 95% of the time, it isn’t worth the paper it is printed on. Which is why these morons can’t find a job after racking up $200k in debt.

I could almost get behind forcing the taxpayer to pay for some kid’s education if the kid were smart, poor, hard-working and was getting a degree in engineering or chemistry or something else useful….oh wait, they already have that. It’s called an “academic scholarship”.

Tough shit. You should have been a plumber. Pay up and shut up, fucko

But those trillions are actually paying for morons to party for four years, get a “degree” in some horseshit like “Political Science”, “International Relations” or “Gender Theory”. Then they walk out even dumber than they were when they walked in and they are unemployable in any capacity except “ranting socialist moron holding a sign” – like THIS example here:

So you signed an agreement to trade money for a “great education” and the Biden economy is BOOMING, so why can’t you repay the loan you AGREED TO? Because “I don’t wanna” isn’t good enough, shit birds.

But even with their awesome $250,000 “education” in Queer Theory or International Relations, they STILL can’t manage to pay the rent, and so they go running back to mommy’s titty…

“Whaaaah! Rent is EXPESIVE and I’m too emotionally fragile to have a roommate or two! I need a spare bedroom as my “safe space” to go cry if somebody calls me a pussy, a retard or a fag! Those are hurtful words! Whaaaaah”

Of course, there are PLENTY of high-paying jobs out there…but you have to get up before 9am and sometimes you get doody or poopy on your hands. Boo hoo.

Why, RIGHT HERE in Lampasas there is an advertisement for Dude Who Fixes Highly Subsidized Shitty Pinwheels….

Do you think local unemployed socialist bum and lover of pinwheels Clayton Tucker will take this awesome job? I’ll bet you a MILLION DOLLARS that he won’t! That would disrupt his hobby of posting anti-capitalist and factually wrong bullshit bashing America all day long.

Oh, plus he doesn’t even know how to use a wrench at age 32…

Imagine thinking anyone offers $7.25 anymore

Imagine being so stupid you confuse MINIMUM wage with MANDATORY wage. Nobody pays $7.25, you idiot. NOBODY.

But Comrade Clayton needs to keep posting garbage like this as an excuse as to why he is still unemployed and living with mom. He ignores the high-paying pinwheel job and instead says “Mom, the minimum wage is $7.25 and I can’t possibly live on that. Now close the door so I can sit in your upstairs bedroom all day posting socialist horseshit!”

Millennials…what a bunch of whiney losers.