Today I learned about a socialist pig named Nina Turner. She thinks she knows what the price of everything should be better than the free market does. Fellow socialist Clayton Tucker clearly agrees.
I wonder why Clayton doesn’t bring some eggs to market. After all, he claims to be a farmer AND a rancher. Surely he can help alleviate this egg shortage by producing some eggs! That’s how the economy works, after all. If prices are SO HIGH, then you should be trying to sell them to make a buck, increase supply and bring prices back down. It’s called the Invisible Hand – even people WITHOUT $80,000 college degrees understand this….

Nina Turner has never been a farmer, or raised chickens, or worked construction, or been a landlord. Nina Turner has spent her entire life in politics, activism, and being a history professor at a small, joke college. You just KNOW she works super hard and is a productive citizen because she posts on Twitter 27 times per day, every day….

Ah yes. Activist. State senator. All-around parasite. Creating ZERO eggs, crops, housing or anything else somebody might actually want and which would increase the supply of these things – and thus, reduce the price.

It must REALLY suck to be THAT hideous AND also that stupid. Boy did she get the short end of the stick.
This woman has literally NEVER worked in the real world. Not once. Not doing ANYTHING, let along swinging a hammer or planting crops or raising chickens – activities that would alleviate the “high prices” of all these things.
Her salary from 2017 (the only year I could find) to be a joke of a professor in a joke subject at a community college was $97,000…SIX years ago. I guarantee you it is closer to $110,000 now. I also guarantee you she didn’t teach shit during Covid and still got a full paycheck. Probably dragged out her return to “teaching” for another year by whimpering about “the pandemic” too, because she seems like that type. But I bet she ate plenty of eggs during those years.

Her net worth is listed “between $1 million and $5 million” – from being a politician. What a complete piece of shit.

In another tweet, she shows us the poor farm worker who has a shitty life and doesn’t get paid enough. Yet she ALSO complains that food prices are too high. So which is it, you dunce?? You want to pay farm workers more or you want the price of your food to be lower?

Yes…let’s pay Veronica $40 per hour…so then the price of celery will be ten times higher and Nina the activist can bitch about the high price of that, too! Nina doesn’t understand how these two things are related, because Nina is a moron who couldn’t find her asshole with a funnel.
She foolishly thinks she can have both – because she is a (a) college professor who (b) teaches history and (c) female, to boot. So she has no grasp of math or logic or reason at all.
Hey Nina? Why don’t YOU start a farm and pay all the workers $40 per hour? You’d have all the labor you want! What’s stopping you? It’s just dirt and seeds, right? The sun and rain do all the work. It’s all so easy!
Dumb twat.
You know what would help lower food prices? Lower prices for fertilizer and diesel – two HUGE inputs into the food growing process. BOTH of those inputs have skyrocketed in price thanks to socialist greentards…like Nina herself.
The cost of bread and eggs hasn’t changed. A gram of gold will always buy the same amount of eggs and bread. The value of the dollar has changed and that’s the problem. Too many BidenBucks floating around.
You can thank all the libtards who screamed for “free money” a couple of years ago to “stimulate the economy” for the current mess. Libtards like Bruce Haywood….

Yes, it’s just “money from the government”, you fat buffoon. Just whip it up and hand it out! Trillion more BidenBucks chasing the exact same amount of eggs and housing. I’m sure there will be no side effects. Moron.