You’ll recall that last year, Eco-Strong owner Mike Cour was THIS/CLOSE to dumping his entire 199-acre property for around $6 million – or roughly $30,000 per acre.

This is the SAME guy who wanted some free stuff from the LEDC for this Eco-Turd company. I asked him at the time why he needed free land from the taxpayers if he had 200 acres himself?

He didn’t like me asking those questions.
Anyway, the deal fell through and I hear the would-be buyer walked away from a $100k deposit on the place (this is just what I heard – I have not seen any documentation). THEN, the property was re-listed almost immediately at $5 million. Ouch. Immediate 17% haircut!
So close!
Well, looks like Mike is trying to shave off chunks of the property to raise some cash. Not only do you get 11 whole acres, but you get the apparently-failing “Equicare” business and the included buildings with it…

Trying to keep the Eco-Turd afloat until the LEDC throws some free stuff their way? Guess we’ll soon find out!