Who Wants To Tell This Moron You Have To WORK First To Collect Social Security?

Local deadbeat and socialist barnacle Clayton Tucker is demanding people get soaked HARDER to fix the Social Security trust fund that has been plundered and drained by Big Government idiots (like Clayton Tucker) over the last few decades….

I’m not sure what’s funnier: the fact it says “Social Security Works!” on the very same page where they are admitting it is nearly insolvent and demanding that SOME people get soaked harder to pay for the entire debacle….


The fact that Clayton Tucker will not even QUALIFY for social security because he hasn’t put in the 10 years of work required to do so.

That’s right, Clayton. You have to WORK first before you can collect – even for Social Security. Seeing as how you turn 32 next month and have literally never had a real job, you better get cracking, shit bird!

I think the very first comment on his post says it best: