What Fresh Hell Is This?

Is this a bad joke? Janet “Crazier” Crozier the local recycling and gardening loon is now the face I have to see when I log on to my bank account????

First my bank hands this nut job $5,000 for her “community garden” – which is $5,000 more than they have given me in TEN YEARS despite me having a fairly decent balance there the entire time.

Yes, ZERO dollars in interest over 10 years. But the failed Life Coach who thinks autistic children are clairvoyant and who has blown about $30,000 on this garden already gets a $5,000 gift.

The world has definitely gone crazy.

P.S. – if you are looking to get MORE than the crappy -0% interest offered around town, be sure to read my post on linking your bank account to Treasury Direct – where you can buy T-bills DIRECTLY at auction and get almost FIVE PERCENT right now!!

That is a RISK FREE 4.9% right now on 6-month T-bills. I’ve been doing this for the last few months. I-bond rates are also very fat – almost 7% right now.