Comical Video Of Socialist Nitwit “Repairing” Tractor Good For Several Belly-Laughs

Well, I finally found it. Feast yourself buggy-eyed.

Dummy “fixes” tractor (full vid) – the wind sound in the background is highly annoying. Just like Tucker himself.

Some highlights:

“I’m here on my family’s farm” [07 second mark]- I thought it was a ranch. You claim to be a fifth-generation rancher. Wouldn’t a rancher call his land a ranch and not a farm? They are not the same thing. Farms grow crops. What crops are you growing, besides mountains of bullshit? Where do you sell these “crops”? What is the name of this “farm” you sell “crops” from?

doing a little bit of shredding when my tractor broke” [09 second mark] – first of all: it’s not your tractor. Secondly, it didn’t break. The shear bolt on the shredder (supposedly) broke. The tractor is fine, you idiot.

if it breaks, like here I have my own tractor” [47 second mark] – again, not your tractor. Daddy or grandpa owns it. You have no income. Also, the tractor didn’t break. It’s still fine.

if it breaks and I try to fix it, the battery will short circuit and, um, the computer and horn and a bunch of things” [1:04 mark] – literally none of that is true. I have fixed several things on my Deere since 2014 and none of those things happened. But, again, your tractor is fine. Nothing is wrong with your tractor in this video.

this is a real big issue that’s affecting family farms” [1:06 mark] – again, you’re not a farm. You’ve always said you’re a ranch. Also, this doesn’t affect anyone NEARLY as much as your liberal policies that have caused the price of diesel and fertilizer to skyrocket, numb nuts.

“..and then…you take your bolt” [2:02 mark] – he then holds up a nut. BAHAHAHAHA. THAT IS A NUT. The bolt is already in the hole. You are holding a nut, you yam bag.

Uses wrench like a complete moron [2:08 to 2:15 mark] – hilarious!!