“Doctor” James Cain Should Lose His Medical License Over His ‘Vaccine’ Propaganda and Lies. This Guy Is a Complete Embarrassment.

Ashley Underwood should also be fired from her position at AdventHealth Rollins Brook, assuming she hasn’t already.

Now that even the most blind Covid Cult loons are FINALLY waking up to the fact that the “vaccine” is killing and maiming a LOT of otherwise young, healthy adults, I’d like to revisit the nauseating puff piece the Dispatch did on September 24, 2021. I ridiculed it then and after reading it today once more in hindsight, it’s even more nauseating and disgusting.

James Cain should lose his license over this. He has neither the brains nor the rudimentary biology knowledge (i.e. natural immunity) that most high schoolers had just 20 years ago. He is a disgrace to the medical profession and his urgings for anyone and everyone to get the untested “vaccine” shot no matter how young and healthy they were, was not anchored in science or even common sense.

Here is the article from September 24th. Try not to vomit all over yourself when you read it:

Last week, family medicine physician Dr. James Cain saw 61 patients in one day — the highest daily count he’s had in his 23 years of practice. Now, those high numbers are an everyday occurrence.

Cain practices out of AdventHealth Central Texas Family Medicine Clinic Lampasas. Both Cain and Ashley Underwood, AdventHealth Rollins Brook vice
president/administrator, say they’ve seen a record number of patients at the
clinic and at the hospital.

The culprit? Cain and Underwood say it’s the rising COVID-19 cases. Two months ago, the United States entered its third coronavirus surge, driven by the highly transmissible delta variant, and that has affected mostly unvaccinated people, including dozens of Lampasans.

Earlier this summer, it appeared the widespread availability of vaccines
might mean the coronavirus pandemic was behind them. But Cain and Underwood saytheir medical staffers share a hardening view toward the delta variant’s biggest target: the willingly unprotected.

[Fuck your medical staff and their “hardening view”. The willingly “unprotected” like me were right, as it turned out. Not to mention, people who caught Covid then had natural immunity – which protects you. So we were NOT unprotected. Cain himself refused to even CONSIDER natural immunity during this entire fiasco]

Underwood said 95% of the county’s hospitalizations are the unvaccinated.

[Ah yes – the old “pandemic of the unvaccinated” propaganda. TOTAL bullshit.]

“People’s hesitancy to get the vaccination is real, and it’s understandable. And you know the thing that I’ve got the realization of since I’ve been through this since last year … is that people’s ability to really grasp all these details is difficult.”

[People’s ability to grasp details is difficult? Besides that sentence making ZERO sense grammatically, his poorly-articulated point is bullshit. I grasped the details just fine from the mountains of data we had on this by September of 2021: masks don’t do shit, this was only deadly to the very old and the morbidly obese, most of “Covid” deaths were nonsense since they were WITH Covid and not FROM Covid, the ‘vaccine’ wasn’t stopping shit, and natural immunity conferred better protection on you than the shitty ‘vaccine’. If Cain had gotten his pompous head our of his pompous asshole for a few minutes and did some reading, he might have realized this. He didn’t. Instead he went full-on arrogant doctor next….]

Cain said he discusses the vaccine science to hesitant patients and stresses the need to “trust in their doctors.”He also encourages people to get vaccinated because the “shots prevent death” and to help decrease the workload in area hospitals due to COVID-related admissions.

[Absolute 100% lie. Ever since this lie had to finally be retired in the face of massive numbers of ‘vaccinated’ people dying, the Covid Cult loons have tried to tell us “we never said it prevented Covid or death”. Which is yet another lie. Yes you did. Over and over. James Cain said it right here in this article. And you wonder why nobody will “trust their doctors”?]

Trust the experts!

I MYSELF went to Cain in August of 2021 and asked to be tested for Covid antibodies. At that point, we were 18 months into the “deadly pandemic” and I hadn’t been sick yet – despite the fact that my live-in girlfriend had a bad case and sleeps next to me every night….despite the fact that I refused to wear a mask everywhere, including on airplanes and in airports.

His response? “What purpose would that serve?”

ZERO respect for natural immunity – which we have known about for over a century and is taught in high school biology classes.

No, he was all about pushing the vaccine and “trusting” the genius doctors like himself.

So I guess my question is: when will James Cain do another article on the front page of The Dispatch and admit “I’m a fucking moron who pushed an untested poison on a LOT of young people who didn’t need it”? How many high school kids did you push this shit into, James?

You pompous asshole.

Fun fact: FMC Sciences (which I’m pretty sure Cain is heavily involved in) received a $172,772 PPP loan from the Feds which was then forgiven. That’s $172,772 in free money from the taxpayers.