Replacement Found For Mandy Walsh?

Has the City finally found a new “Economic Development Director”? Looks like they may have!

According to LEDC Jan 18th meeting packets (Item III):

“Welcome and introduction of Stacey Ybarra, Lampasas Economic Development Director”

Could THIS be her?

Stacey Ybarra – LinkdIn

Her resume sure fits the bill.

If it IS her, she only lasted one year in her previous job as “Assistant Village Adminiatrator” in Salado.

Weird that EVERY SINGLE “Economic Development Director” we have had has been female. Cherry Hargrove, Kathi Masonheimer, Mandy Walsh, and now Stacey Ybarra.

Too bad the LEDC refuses to hold their monthly meetings “on the record” using the City’s $96,000 A/V system so that this “introduction” will be more transparent.

Hopefully Stacey has been warned about the shit pile she is stepping into with the Business Pork project, the Industrial Pork “agreement” that is never agreed to, and all the rest of it….including critical “keyboard warriors” like myself.

Rest assured we’ll have all the info on Stacey here soon: salary, experience, etc.