Looking Forward to 2023…

I love making lists. Here’s one…

People who will probably die in 2023 and I will be super bummed out about: Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman.

Clint and Gene are the last of the old school Hollywood bad asses. Especially Clint. The guy is the epitome of the strong, silent type. He’s a free-market libertarian, his movies kill it, and he always comes in under budget. He once punched his son in the face for leaving his sister at a party. That is OLD SCHOOL parenting.

Gene kicked some guy’s ass in a minor traffic wreck when he was like 72 years old. Remember that scene in Unforgiven when he takes English Bob and knocks his dick in the dirt in front of the entire town while yelling bas-ass lines at him?

“You probably think I’m kicking you, Bob…but it ain’t so! What I’m doing is talking, you hear? I’m talking to all those villains down in Kansas!”

Gene Hackman does that shit in real life.

I have zero doubt that 92-year-old Gene or Clint could still kick the asses of most 32-year-old pussies running around today (**cough ** Clayton Tucker ** cough).

People who will probably die in 2023 and I’ll be just fine with it: Dan Rather, William Shatner, George Soros

Remember in the old days when if you did something so slimy, unethical and embarrassing you got fired for it, you then disappeared into the weeds never to be heard from again? Well, that is NOT Dan Rather. He is still shamelessly blathering his libshit garbage on Twitter. I’ll be happy to see him dead.

Shatner? Just a giant asshole. Ditto for Soros. Soros is a real-life comic book villain.

People who will probably not die in 2023 but I really wish they would: Jamie Raskin, Sean Penn, Mitch McConnell, Seth Rogen, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Jimmy Kimmel, Joe Biden, George Takai, Stephen Colbert, Grady Lucas of Lampasas TX, Howard Stern, Rob Reiner, Barney Frank, Whoopi Goldberg and the other morons on that show, Chuck Schumer, George Lopez, Joe Scarborough, Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Streisand….well, this is going to be a long list. Hold on.