Oh delicious irony….you are even tastier than a $7 bowl of Ramen noodles.
I have been following the PhoLicious warehouse hiring soap opera with great interest because I have side bets with a friend on whether $13/hour will be enough to lure in a warehouse worker in a big city like Houston. My bet was “no fucking way”.
We have watched for nine days now as Trousdale tries to sweeten the pot with anything and everything EXCEPT a higher hourly wage. He even offered to let his worker take off opening day for deer season! Of course, that is like 330 days from now…so it costs him nothing until then. Very sneaky! I’m starting to think he might be Chinese.
Anyhoo…PhoLicious posted triumphantly yesterday about hiring someone. My buddy tried to collect on the bet, but I said “let’s wait a few days and see if he doesn’t quit or burn the place down”.
Well, 18 hours later…..

What a dick, huh? Saying you’d be there and then just disappearing? It would be like, I don’t know, being a small local business and stringing along the local Economic Development Director as a prospect for a local Business Park and then moving to another town at the last second and leaving them with their dicks in their hands looking foolish…

Kind of like that.
I hope Mandy Walsh is having a good laugh at Trousdale’s expense. I know I would be, but I’m an asshole.
Also $13/hr for warehouse work is not “decent money” nor is it a “super easy job”. If you want a super easy job and outrageous money, you’d need to do something like be the City Manager of a small town like Lampasas. Then you get about $92 an hour for writing emails and completing dubious projects (new council chambers, A/V systems, Hostess House, Campbell Park bathroom, skate park, Campbell Park pavilion, etc) at triple the estimated cost….

If you’re REALLY lucky, you work under a mayor who is an imbecile and actually PRAISES you for all of your expensive bungling!
It was only nine days ago I was laughing at how the LEDC shouldn’t care they let a “great Business Pork prospect” get away because they were creating ONE job at $13 an hour.
LEDC Let THIS Prospect Get Away? LOL.
Turns out, they haven’t even managed THAT yet!
Come on Joseph! We all know what it’s going to take to find a warm body: raise your wage and win me my bet. What are you saving up to be? Jewish?