I’ve heard birdies chirping for a while now….that City manager Finley “Spinley” deGraffenreid would be retiring next year. I dismissed it at first. Why would a guy with quite average intelligence give up a cushy job that pays $150,000 per year ($12,500 per month) PLUS car allowance PLUS phone allowance PLUS a free $14,000 per year thrown into his retirement account by the taxpayers PLUS ‘free’ healthcare PLUS free life insurance and dental??
But I’ve heard it from four or five different sources now, so I can’t ignore it. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
By my calculations, he has been paid WELL OVER a million bucks by Lampasas over the last 10 years. That doesn’t include all the perks or his fat pension he’ll be getting, too. Again – that’s JUST in the last 10 years here in Lampasas.
He’ll be 60 in March – not really THAT old. Plus there is NO way he’d make that kind of money and benefits in the real world. So when he retires, it won’t be to do anything else. It will be “to spend time with the grandkids” – and perhaps dip into that kickback fund built by the likes of Azbell Electronics and others?
HAHAHAHA – just kidding Finley. We know that all those decisions you made to pay three times more than normal were due to incompetence…NOT any kind of kickback scheme….

But after being wildly overpaid both in Lampasas AND in Llano, Finley must have enough millions stashed away to hang up his cleats and get that very fat public employee pension for the rest of his life. Just like Sammy Bailey.
We’ll be doing a deep dive into how much he has amassed over the years both here and as City manager for Llano.
God help us if he recommends Ryan Ward to take over as the new City manager. I’m about 85% certain that Ward is borderline mentally retarded.