This ought to make Mandy feel better about PhoLicious slipping through her fingers.
As you’ll recall, the LEDC listed “PhoLicious” as one of their one of their “about four” serious prospects for their $7 million Business Pork Project earlier this year.

Then they got pho-cked when PhoLicious left town just days after singing the LEDC praises in the local newspaper….

Oh damn! The Big One got away! Think of all the many high-paying jobs that are now in Houston instead of here in the Business Pork! What a missed opportunity!
Or was it……?

My goodness! Wow. One job at $13 an hour and no bennies! LOL. That could have been OUR one job at $13.00 per hour!!!!
Pretty sure the McDonald’s around here pay more than that. Good luck filling that position in the Big City, where they probably hire “sandwich artists” at Subway for $18/hr to start.
I’m not saying this to shit on Joseph’s head. When you run a small business, your balls get squeezed by everyone and you end up working 80 hour weeks and paying yourself last, if there is anything left over after the vultures have their fill. Meanwhile, clueless assholes like Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood and that fat fuck Heath Bishop spend their days on Facebook demanding everyone get $30 an hour on their first day of work, when they have never run so much as a lemonade stand.
I say this to point out how stupid the LEDC is and how their high hopes are going to be dashed over and over again. If/when they ever get anyone into that park, the jobs won’t be any better or high-paying than if they had never built the park and wasted $7 million in the first place.
Remember: that 152 acres has been sitting there EMPTY for TWENTY YEARS!!! Nobody has been paying taxes on it, because the non-profit LEDC owns it. If they had just done NOTHING back in 2002, that land would have either (1) been paying taxes this entire time by the original owners or (2) already been bought and developed by a private company and be up and running.