Well, I guess it’s about the end of Mock a Socialist Week. We have a very fitting closing chapter today…

It is fitting and very ironic because in reality, Clayton Tucker and other scumbag socialists are actually the ones who think there is a Santa Claus. They think there is a Santa Claus who magically appears and gives them “free” medical care and “free” education and “free” food and “free” heating oil subsidies.
The name of THEIR Santa Claus is the Federal Government.
They view those of us who are fiscal conservatives as “meanies” who take great joy in depriving people of all this “free” stuff. That is because socialists like Clayton Tucker are morons who don’t understand the basics of how an economy works – even though his parents wasted $80,000 sending him to college.
The truth is, guys like me don’t care HOW much education or food or medical care you get…as long as you pay for it yourself OR it is given freely as private charity. We oppose and resent having our wallets raided against our will to pay for YOUR stuff. See the difference?
The federal government creates nothing. They don’t create wealth or food or medical care. They simply grab from one group and hand the loot over to another. That’s it. Oh, and they skim a big chunk for themselves before they hand it all back out again.
The federal government doesn’t magically make all these things appear – they are provided by doctors, farmers, oil workers teachers and other productive members of society. People who sacrificed a LOT of years learning their trade while you were sleeping in every morning and refusing to get a job yourself. People who get up at 5am every morning to get to the hospital and make life-saving decisions while you lay on the couch posting on Twitter about your latest fast. People out on an oil rig doing a dirty, exhausting job that a pussy like you couldn’t do for 60 seconds before you collapsed like a rag doll.
People who sacrificed years to become excellent at something and who get up and work 12-hour days do not take kindly to useless lazy bums like you grabbing 30% or 40% of what they worked hard to attain while calling them “greedy” for expecting to be paid for their services.
What have you ever done, you lazy shit bird? What have you created from nothing or built from scratch? How many people have you ever employed in your sad, pathetic little life? Hell, you haven’t even had a real job yet and you’ll be 32 in February! The high-school kid working at McDonald’s is more valuable to society in one day than you have been in your entire life.
Here is me looking at your accomplishments in life – which could rest comfortably on an eyelash…

You and all your socialist friends are nothing but parasites and pieces of shit. I hope you all drop dead of Sudden Adult Death, myocarditis and wildly aggressive cancer…because that is what all of you are. A cancer.