Time for more mocking….the week isn’t over yet!
This is what it would look like if local socialist Clayton Tucker of Lampasas had parents who actually insisted he move out of their house and get a job. It would not be pretty:

Of course he is “trans”. Of course ‘he’ is!
What’s wrong with this picture? Besides the obvious, of course?
Old man rant starting now….
- This entire generation has spent their teen years plastered to social media instead of working a job to prepare them for the real world. I was out there making a buck at 11 years old on the local driving range. It was 1981 at the Zigfield Troy range in Florida. I wasn’t old enough to drive the big machine that picked up the balls (you had to be 13), so they gave me a bucket and a digger to walk around on that giant field and dig the balls out of the dirt that got missed by the machine and smooshed into the turf.
This was the early 80s, so there were no helmets or anything like that. I have no doubt that every guy on that range was saying “$5 to whoever hits the kid”. I was paid about $2.75 an hour and I thought that was the most awesome thing in the world. I wanted to work there every day and deposit money into my little passbook account to make interest on my cash.
On top of that, my Dad had non-stop yard work for me and my brother. Mowing the lawn, hauling trimmings to the dump, painting the house, painting his office, cleaning all the screens on the house. You name it. He paid me well, but it was summertime in south Florida. In other words – a sauna. I’m sure my brother and I bitched to each other, but we would never DREAM of bitching to the boss and I was happy to be making a buck. Making a buck gives you INDEPENDENCE – something today’s pussies have no desire for.
2. This pussy is making videos during work hours. I don’t have TikTok or any of that other shit but I see these stories all the time in my news feeds. It’s ALWAYS some pussy making a video about how hard their job is and what jerks the customers are while AT THEIR JOB!
Newsflash, fucko – there have ALWAYS been asshole customers for the last 200 years. I had them too. If I was a boss and saw some pussy kid making videos when he’s supposed to be bussing tables, I’d kick his ass to the curb that second. I see it all the time at restaurants – some pimply kid in huddled in the corner on their phone while the dishes pile up.
You see this with local socialist Clayton Tucker, too. He’ll take a picture of himself doing some mundane chore like it is some huge accomplishment. Who does that?? Today’s soft and spoiled pussies, that’s who.

So that’s “ranching”? OK. I’m a rancher too, then. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve shoveled pig shit, goat shit, and chicken shit over the last 10 years. But I don’t think I have a single picture of any of them.
Think about this: who took that picture?? “Hey mom! Come take a photo of me shoveling so I can put it on my social media! Mom! MOM!!”
I’m trying to imagine what would happen if I got a flat tire on the highway and as I was changing the tire I yelled to my girlfriend to come take a picture of me so I can put it on TikTok. She would rightfully call me a pussy and dump me on the spot.
3. This soft-as-baby-shit kid can’t even work EIGHT HOURS??? When I was this kid’s age, I had three jobs. One of them was in the catering business. That was NON-STOP work. Unloading the vans, setting up, serving asshole customers, clearing tables, washing dishes, mopping floors, re-loading the vans, taking out shit tons of trash. I don’t EVER remember whining about “being tired”. I was 23 years old and had all the energy in the world. Our boss was cool as shit, so we wanted to bust ass for him. We got leftovers and he’d toss us a case of beer for free – a case of Miller Lite was about $9 back then but it seemed like a fortune. I worked with 2 or 3 of my best friends and we all broke our backs and loved it. Then we’d go out drinking until 1am and I’d be up at 6am for my REAL job.
You know why? Because I didn’t have a smart phone and social media shit to waste 20 hours a week on. Fuck you and fuck your phone.
4. If you are too big of a pussy to work at LEAST a 40-hour week, then you should stfu about not being able to afford rent. Clayton Tucker does this too – presumably to explain why he still lives with his parents at age 32. He complains about “inflation” and how “rent is now $2,000 and it was only $800 back then”.

Average weekly wages in 1973 were NOT $873. Not even close. Many people commented on this to Clayton Tucker and told him he was wrong, but he ignored all that. He has to somehow rationalize why he lives with his parents. Not to mention, EVERYTHING is “unaffordable” when you work zero hours a week, like Clayton Tucker of Lampasas.
We could have complained about inflation in the 80’s too, you moron. Do you have any CLUE how bad inflation was in the 1970s? I could have said “oh man…my Dad could buy a car for $3,000 and now they cost $20,000! Not fair!!”
You know what you do when you are a guy with no wife and kids, like Clayton Tucker? You get a buddy or two and SPLIT rent! Crazy, right? We also picked up extra hours. You work 50 or 60 hours and you get some roommates. I had three roommates in my 20s. We split rent, phone, cable and everything else four ways.
Then again, I guess you have to have friends to pull that off, right Clayton?
Not today. Today you think you’re entitled to an apartment (or house!) all to yourself and you cry if anyone expects you to actually work eight hours at a time.
I seriously think the government needs to treat smart phones and social media like alcohol – banned until you are 21 years old. Smart phones and ESPECIALLY social media has fucked up an entire generation of kids and turned them into pussies and zombies and morons who vote for socialism. TikTok should be banned completely.
Old man rant over.