A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way
A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way
In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!
In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!
Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.
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Tonight’s topics include:
The ever-increasing cost of the City’s recycling program. This program (demanded by local retard and failed Life Coach Janet “Crazier” Crozier back in 2018) currently loses about $10,000 per year. But don’t worry – Finley deGraffenreid says that it “provides tremendous value to the community in terms of providing a recycling service“.
That phrase always reminds me of the scene in Animal House when Robert Hoover (president of Delta house) gets up at a disciplinary hearing and bullshits Dean Wormer by talking in circles and telling him “Delta house has a long tradition of existence to its members and to the community at large.”
Yes Finley, the recycling program exists, alright – but that’s about it. It doesn’t provide any ‘value’ to anyone except Waste Connections, who rips your face off carting this shit off and probably shipping it all to China or India where it will get dumped into the ocean…all so Janet Crozier can feel good about not throwing away her dirty mayonnaise jars.
Has anyone actually audited Waste Connections to see where the “recycled” material goes? I’ll bet you A HUNDRED DOLLARS that nobody has. Most likely, they are charging you an inflated price to “recycle” a bunch of shit that just ends up in a landfill anyways.
In a like manner, you could pay a homeless guy $1,500 a month to hang out on the town square and fling his own shit at the walls and then tell us he “provides tremendous value to the community in terms of providing shit flinging”. That makes about as much sense, logically.