You gotta hand it to Comrade Clayton Tucker. It’s VERY hard to be wrong every single time you open your mouth or tweet. VERY hard. I mean, go ahead and try to pick four losers in the NFL this weekend. It’s tough. Even if you TRY to be wrong, you are invariably, accidentally right SOME of the time.
Not Comrade Clayton, however. The bodies hadn’t even cooled at the gay nightclub shooting scene before local self-hating white “male” (and possible homosexual) Comrade Clayton Tucker was blaming those evil white guys in a re-tweet. The rest of the liberal morons were doing the same – blaming Tucker Carlson and the “white supremacist GOP”.
Even our local pudgy, hysterical doughboy (and DEFINITE homosexual) Cade Snyder/Hilgenberg jumped on the bandwagon. Blaming straight white males for everything and posting a screed that was written by an unhinged mind…

Oh my. Calm down, Sally. Your personhood is routinely challenged? LOL. What does that even mean? What a drama queen (pun intended). You will not fuck anybody up. You look like this, for Christ’s sake…

Yes. Frightening indeed.
Comrade Clayton re-tweeted this pure dreck…

Yeah, Latinos never shoot anything up.
And gays never kill other gays…or chop them up into little pieces and eat them.
Well, that entire tweet is complete and utter horseshit. In fact, we found out yesterday that the guy who shot up the nightclub isn’t some “right winger”. He is another weirdo fuck who claims to be “non binary” (I still don’t know what that is, but it ain’t a straight conservative guy, that’s for sure) who used the moronic pronouns of “they/them” and insisted on being referred to as Mx. Aldrich. LOL. OOPS!

So I guess gay people ARE shooting up nightclubs after all! Oh, and a black guy shot up a Walmart just last night. You wouldn’t know that, however, because the media is silent when a black guy goes on a shooting spree. It’s always “details are sketchy” when that happens. But turns out he was black – which I predicted this morning when they didn’t name and shame him 5 minutes after the shooting…

From the look of one of his photos, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was gay too. Not that they’ll ever admit that.

Also, did you forget about the Muslim piece of shit who shot up Fort Hood back in 2009 and killed 13 white people (including a pregnant woman) and injured 30 others? He shouted Allahu Akbar right before he opened fire. Doesn’t sound like a white right-winger to me!

Or how about that racist piece of shit Darrell Brooks who mowed down a bunch of old white people in Wisconsin last Christmas? Yeah – the media was silent about that one too….and he was an ACTUAL racist!

Accused killer Waukesha parade driver posted toxic anti-white rhetoric.
But that doesn’t count because it’s OK to hate white people, as far as the mainstream media is concerned.
Want more examples? OK!
Just recently, a black student shot and killed three University of Virginia football players. You REALLY had to look hard to find a picture of the guy when he was on the loose, because he was a black dude – and we can’t have that.
There are countless stories of black teen mobs terrorizing Whitey – but those are ignored too. Like when it was “Beat Whitey Night”” at the Iowa State Fair:
“Beat Whitey Night” At Iowa State Fair
Here is another….

Did you know the FBI STOPPED KEEPING TRACK of race when it comes to rape? Turns out that like 99% of interracial rapes were black men on white women. We can’t have that either.

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
Why is the data so old? Because they refuse to break it down racially anymore. It didn’t feed the narrative of Whitey oppressing blacks.
But tell me again how it’s ALL because of those “crazy right wingers” and “alt-right” white male assholes.
So, to put it short and simply (in deference to morons like Cade and Clayton), the reason you THINK that Right-Wing Whitey is doing all this violent damage to minorities is because you listen to propaganda on CNN and other mainstream media sources who do everything in their power to disappear all the black-on-white atrocities and make sure to amplify any white-on-black or straight-on-gay atrocities. You are brainwashed morons.
Put even more simply: go fuck yourselves.