Local socialist loser and incel Clayton Tucker just cannot stop worrying about abortions!

This is like me whining that I can’t legally play blackjack at a casino in Texas. If playing blackjack all the time was that important to me, I’d move to Las Vegas – where it IS legal. See how that works? Each state decides what it wants to legalize. It’s a beautiful experiment and the Tenth Amendment makes it all possible.
Let me put your mind at ease, Comrade Tucker. The odds of you needing to worry about an abortion are astronomical.
Here is the calculation – we need to figure out the odds of a few things happening – all dependent on each other.
Odds of:
Meeting a chick who will talk to you for more than 15 minutes and shares your love of socialism and doesn’t mind that you live with your mom: 15%
Convincing this chick to have sex with you before creeping her out permanently or boring her to death with talk of windmills and solar panels: 20%
Maintaining erection while looking at someone who is NOT Robert Francis O’Rourke: 10%
Banging her on a day she is actually fertile: 20%
Since all of these conditions must be met for a baby to be made, the odds of you ever impregnating a chick are (.15 x .2 x .1 x .2 = .0006 or 0.06%) – which converts to approximately 1665 to 1 odds.
I wouldn’t give it a second thought, buddy. You’re safe.