Under-30 Commies Showed Up Last Night. Socialist Takeover of America Well Underway Now.

Well, what a hard-fought battle all around. Millions of well-informed Americans trudged to the polls on election day and pulled the lever for a candidate they thoroughly studied and understood. A candidate who agreed to debate their opponent and who made coherent and passionate arguments supporting their positions. Candidates who would uphold their oath to the Constitution to make America a greater place for us all! We are all Americans today and we can now all come together, put aside our differences and work to make the country great again!

Just kidding. A bunch of lazy cockroaches “voted by mail” for idiots who were too afraid to debate (Hobbs) or were clinically brain dead and incoherent (Uncle Festerman).

All we learned last night is that there are a LOT more socialist cockroaches in this country than there used to be – and they are voting. I will NEVER stand together and “unite” with cockroaches. I’ll try to stamp them out until the day I die.

You see, there are two groups of people in this country:

The first group are the productive ones – who get up, go to work, and make the world go around. They explore for oil, they extract resources to make “stuff” like food, cars, buildings, engines and computers. They build bridges and pilot commercial airplanes. They refine oil into hundreds of essential products. They raise cattle. They perform open-heart surgery and save lives. These people understand how the world works and tend to lean right. They are smart and capable. They have jobs where if they fuck up, people starve or die in plane crashes or in a bridge collapse.

The other group are the cockroaches. They consume, complain, produce nothing, live off their parents (Tucker and college kids) or the government (Haywood and single-mother welfare baby machines) and spend their entire day on Tik Tok taking pictures of themselves. They have “jobs” like sitting in a college classroom with a ponytail and telling you men can be women. They are social workers and “community organizers”. They are “journalists” with an IQ of 80. They are “artists” and professional students who took out $250,000 loans to get a Masters in philosophy or “international relations”.

They do not get up before 9:30am and they don’t get dirt under their fingernails.

Unfortunately, these cockroaches are multiplying rapidly and are in real danger of outnumbering the rest of us…as we saw last night.

The Marxist college professors and high school teachers have done an excellent job of churning out morons who cannot think for themselves and see Big Government as the answer to everything. Scumbag socialist professors have done their job, and parents have not:

What did they teach the young generation? They can get participation trophies for just being there. They get presents on other kids’ birthdays…and now they don’t need to pay off their loans. That they can get “rent moratoriums” for two years over a cold virus. When they don’t get their way they cry. They bring their parents to job interviews. They are entitled to safe spaces and trigger warnings. Enforcing laws is “racist”. They think the world is going to end from “global warming” in the next 8 years because Instagram told them so.

When anyone disagrees with them, that person is “racist” and “Hitler”. Just look at this fucking loser Cade Snyder/Hilgenberg again! He’s a prime example in his early or mid-20s and he is losing his mind that Texas is still red:

The most spoiled generation in the history of the world. They walk around with a supercomputer in their pockets and can have ANYTHING at the press of a button. Food from Door Dash, ten million products on Amazon delivered to their door in 36 hours, a ride from Uber in minutes, thousands of movies on Netflix, dating candidates on Match.com, the weather, plane tickets, stock trades, talk to anyone in the WORLD in mere seconds, and a million other things. Literally, the world is at their fingertips. But they spend their time crying about how shitty their lives are and how unfair everything is.

They are above working for anything. They are above waiting for anything. They think they can just demand free stuff forever and it will magically appear. They have never done a productive thing in their pathetic lives. Everyone else is here to provide them with ‘free’ healthcare and ‘free’ education and ‘free’ rent.

They don’t have the first fucking clue how good they have it. I’d love to send them all to Somalia or Malawai for just two weeks. Let them see how the rest of the world lives.

Oh, how I detest them. And now these useless and clueless cockroaches are voting en masse. They have figured out they can vote themselves other people’s property and money.

Young adults (or even 31-year-olds like Clayton Tucker) who still primarily live off support from their parents and handouts from the government have no clue about the reality of real life challenges. If I had my way, the voting age would be 25 and only for people who pay taxes and thus have skin in the game.

Oh, and college-‘educated’ single females in their 20s will be the death of our Republic. There is no group more ill-informed or susceptible to emotional commie bullshit than this group:

Pretty much everyone under the age of 30 is a Tik Tok buffoon. All media that young people consumes is in the hands of liberals. You are now seeing the result. All you parents out there who stuck an iPad in your kids’ hands every day rather than talk to them and pound into their heads the dangers of socialism and the greatness of our Founding Fathers? YOU are to blame for this. You have unleashed a generation of commie morons.

I’m looking at YOU, Terry and Howard Tucker.

I hope Gen Z gets drafted. Then we can see how much they like big government. Maybe start them off in Ukraine.