Francis O’Rourke Is About To Be The Stacey Abrams Of Texas

Red Wave incoming. A massive red tsunami that will pound moron commies like Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Julie Landrum, Janet Crozier and Potato Head Fitzharris into the sand.

They will not know what hit them. They will walk around in a daze on Wednesday morning after getting slammed into the sand by this wave and wonder what the hell just happened.

I will be at the bar laughing. Feel free to join me at Memo’s to watch election returns and revel in the glory. I may even bring my Nancy Pelosi cardboard cutout that I was saving to celebrate her death and put in on the floor for everybody to walk all over.

TEXAS POLL By University of Houston GOV

(R) Greg Abbott 53% (+13)

(D) Beto O’Rourke 40%

LT GOV (R) Dan Patrick 51% (+15)

(D) Mike Collier 36% AG

(R) Ken Paxton 49% (+12)

(D) Rochelle Garza 37%